GCSE Spanish Picture Description

One of the simplest ways of creating YouTube video content that you can use with your students on TeachVid is to add a voice-over track to a still image.

Describing a picture is a common assessment method for language learners, so why not make simple video content based on a still image plus your own scripted description of the image content?

Try to include vocabulary and structures that would be useful in as many contexts as possible, and bear in mind that the content should be vocabulary and structures that you would ideally like your students to be able to produce.

Have a look at the examples below. (Click on the links in blue to open the resources.)

Before you look, however, let me quickly explain what you’re looking at…

Continue reading “GCSE Spanish Picture Description”

“Learn mode” in TeachVid

Every TeachVid resource has its own resource page, which includes things such as printable pdfs, the video transcript, information about the resource, information about the YouTube channel, a link to the video on YouTube, and, at the top of the page, an “Open resource” button which is how you Continue reading ““Learn mode” in TeachVid”

Video times: create resources from cropped videos

We’ve added an extra (optional) step into the TeachVid resource creation process: “Video times”.

Even relatively short videos – just a couple of minutes long – can actually involve quite a lot of text if you are making a resource based on the video transcript.

One way of exploiting a longer video is to essentially split it up into smaller sections, Continue reading “Video times: create resources from cropped videos”

Setting assignments

For teachers, TeachVid classrooms are a place where they can assign activities and assessments for their students to complete. Any TeachVid user with a teacher subscription can create their own classrooms, add students, set assignments and assessments.

As a teacher subscriber on TeachVid, you will see a “Set Assignment” button at the top of the Assignments tab. Click this to Continue reading “Setting assignments”